Through decree 837/18 published in the Official Gazette, the Government reduced import tariffs on various products that are not produced in the country by more than 100 tariff positions.
The measure, according to the Government itself, seeks to "favor investment" in sectors such as agriculture, dairy, metalworking, the paper industry, ports, tourism in ski resorts, tanneries, roads, mining and construction, among others.
Dec. 837/18
HAVING SEEN File No. EX-2018-38757978-APN-DGD#MP, and
That through Decision No. 1 dated April 7, 2001 of the Common Market Council, the States Parties to the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) authorized the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC to apply, on an exceptional and temporary basis, until the 31st of December 2002, to imports originating from countries not members of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), the aliquots of import duties specified in Res.ME 8/01 dated March 23, 2001 and Res.ME 27 / 01 dated April 6, 2001, both from the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY.
That the universe referred to in the preceding recital was successively modified by different community regulations, including those that included the various amendments to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.
That Dec.1026 / 12 dated July 2, 2012 reestablished as of January 1, 2013 the aliquots under the Foreign Import Right (DIE) to their equivalent of the Common External Tariff (AEC) to certain goods of capital contemplated in Annexes I and IV of Dec. 100/12 dated January 12, 2012.
That, also, through Article 2 of Decision No. 35 dated December 16, 2014 of the Common Market Council, the States Parties were authorized, on an exceptional and temporary basis, to maintain between January 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 the national import regimes for capital goods.
That, in that order, Dec. 900/15 dated May 20, 2015 modified the aliquots that, as a Foreign Import Right (DIE), were taxed until June 30, 2015, certain capital goods facilitating the access to them.
That, in this line, by means of Article 3 of Decision No. 25 dated July 16, 2015 of the Common Market Council, the States Parties were authorized, from July 1, 2015 and until December 31, December 2021, on an exceptional and transitory basis, to maintain their respective national regimes in force for the importation of capital goods.
That the decision cited in the immediately preceding recital was incorporated into the national legal system through Dec. 2271/15 dated November 2, 2015.
That, also, the aforementioned decree established the aliquots that in the concept of Foreign Import Law (DIE) pay a universe of capital goods that, due to its technological gradient and the size of the local market, or the demand of certain sectors demanding new Technologies cannot be provided by the national industry, thus facilitating access to them.
That by Dec. 1126/17 dated December 29, 2017 and its amendments, the MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature (NCM) was approved, adjusted to the VI Amendment of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, with its corresponding External Tariff Common (AEC).
That, in addition, by article 3 of Dec. 1126/17 and its amendments, the aliquots were set as Foreign Import Law (DIE) for the tariff positions of the Common Nomenclature of MERCOSUR (NCM) that make up the list Capital Goods (BK), detailed in Annex III of said decree.
That the easy access and at competitive prices of the merchandise considered at the regional level as "Capital Goods (BK)", results in the incorporation of the latest technologies in various national productive sectors.
That the aforementioned List of Capital Goods (BK) is an essential instrument of foreign trade, fulfilling a fundamental role in industrial development and the growth of economic activity.
That it is necessary to update the universe of goods reached by the list in question, in order to harmonize the exercise of the powers granted at the community level, with the other policies faced by the National Government, at the economic and productive level.
That, likewise, it is convenient to expressly clarify the tariff treatment applicable to the importation of goods that, by application of the update established in this measure, are excluded from the special regime provided in Annex III of Dec. 1126/17 and its amendments.
That the pertinent technical areas of the then MINISTRY OF PRODUCTION and the MINISTRY OF FINANCE have taken action.
That the competent Legal Services of the then MINISTRY OF PRODUCTION and the MINISTRY OF FINANCE have intervened.
That this decree is issued in exercise of the powers conferred on the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER by article 99, paragraph 1 of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION and article 664 of the Customs Code - Law 22,415 and amendments.
ARTICLE 1 .- Replaces Annex III of Dec. 1126/17 dated December 29, 2017 and its amendments, by the Annex (IF-2018-44227804-APN-SECC#MP) that is an integral part of this measure.
ARTICLE 2 .- The goods that by application of the provisions of the previous article are excluded from the special treatment provided in Annex III of Dec. 1126/17 and its amendments, from the entry into force of this, will be taxed, in concept of the Extrazone Import Right (DIE), the aliquots equivalent to the Common External Tariff (CET) that arise from the aforementioned Dec. 1126/17 and its amendments for their respective tariff positions.
ARTICLE 3 °. - An authenticated copy of this decree is sent to the MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND WORSHIP attentive to its character as Coordinator of the National Section of the Common Market Group.
ARTICLE 4 .- This measure shall take effect from the day following its publication in the Official Gazette.
ARTICLE 5 .- Communicate, publish, give yourself to the NATIONAL ADDRESS OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY and file.
MACRI - Marcos Peña - Dante Enrique Sica - Nicolas Dujovne
Capital Goods (BK) with Differential Extrazone Import Right
-Annex III of Decree No. 1126/17 and its modifications-
NCM | REF. | DIE |
8403.10.90 | (1) | 2,0 |
8406.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8406.81.00 | 2,0 | |
8406.82.00 | 2,0 | |
8406.90.19 | 2,0 | |
8406.90.29 | 2,0 | |
8406.90.90 | 2,0 | |
8407.21.10 | 2,0 | |
8407.21.90 | 2,0 | |
8407.29.10 | 2,0 | |
8407.29.90 | 2,0 | |
8407.90.00 | (2) | 2,0 |
8408.10.10 | 2,0 | |
8408.10.90 | 2,0 | |
8413.40.00 | 2,0 | |
8414.80.31 | (3) | 2,0 |
8414.80.32 | (4) | 2,0 |
8414.80.33 | 2,0 | |
8415.81.90 | 2,0 | |
8417.10.20 | 2,0 | |
8418.69.99 | (5) | 2,0 |
8419.32.00 | (6) (7) | 2,0 |
8419.50.22 | 2,0 | |
8419.89.99 | (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) | 2,0 |
8420.10.90 | (13) (14) | 2,0 |
8421.19.90 | (15) (16) | 2,0 |
8421.29.90 | (17) | 2,0 |
8422.30.29 | (18) | 2,0 |
8424.49.00 | (19) | 2,0 |
8424.89.90 | (20) | 2,0 |
8426.12.00 | (21) | 2,0 |
8426.30.00 | (21) | 2,0 |
8426.41.90 | 2,0 | |
8428.40.00 | 2,0 | |
8428.60.00 | 2,0 | |
8428.90.10 | 2,0 | |
8428.90.90 | (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) | 2,0 |
8429.11.90 | 2,0 | |
8429.19.90 | 2,0 | |
8429.30.00 | 2,0 | |
8429.52.19 | 2,0 | |
8429.52.90 | 2,0 | |
8430.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8430.31.90 | 2,0 | |
8430.39.90 | 2,0 | |
8430.50.00 | 2,0 | |
8431.42.00 | 2,0 | |
8431.49.22 | 2,0 | |
8433.20.10 | (29) | 2,0 |
8433.40.00 | (30) | 2,0 |
8433.59.90 | (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) | 2,0 |
8433.60.10 | 2,0 | |
8433.60.29 | 2,0 | |
8433.90.90 | (37) | 2,0 |
8434.10.00 | (38) | 2,0 |
8436.29.00 | (39) | 2,0 |
8436.80.00 | (40) (41) (42) | 2,0 |
8437.80.10 | (43) | 2,0 |
8438.50.00 | (44) | 2,0 |
8439.10.30 | 2,0 | |
8439.20.00 | (45) | 2,0 |
8439.30.10 | 2,0 | |
8439.30.20 | 2,0 | |
8439.30.30 | 2,0 | |
8439.30.90 | 2,0 | |
8440.10.19 | 2,0 | |
8440.10.90 | 2,0 | |
8440.90.00 | 2,0 | |
8441.10.90 | (46) | 2,0 |
8441.20.00 | 2,0 | |
8441.30.10 | 2,0 | |
8441.40.00 | 2,0 | |
8441.80.00 | 2,0 | |
8442.30.10 | 2,0 | |
8442.30.90 | 2,0 | |
8442.40.10 | 2,0 | |
8442.50.00 | 2,0 | |
8443.11.90 | 2,0 | |
8443.12.00 | 2,0 | |
8443.13.29 | 2,0 | |
8443.13.90 | 2,0 | |
8443.15.00 | 2,0 | |
8443.16.00 | 2,0 | |
8443.17.90 | 2,0 | |
8443.19.10 | 2,0 | |
8443.19.90 | 2,0 | |
8443.39.10 | 2,0 | |
8443.39.21 | 2,0 | |
8443.39.29 | 2,0 | |
8443.39.30 | 2,0 | |
8443.39.90 | 2,0 | |
8443.91.10 | 2,0 | |
8443.91.91 | 2,0 | |
8443.91.92 | 2,0 | |
8444.00.10 | 2,0 | |
8445.11.90 | 2,0 | |
8445.19.21 | 2,0 | |
8445.19.22 | 2,0 | |
8445.19.23 | 2,0 | |
8445.19.29 | 2,0 | |
8445.30.90 | 2,0 | |
8445.40.19 | 2,0 | |
8445.40.29 | 2,0 | |
8445.40.39 | 2,0 | |
8445.40.90 | 2,0 | |
8445.90.10 | 2,0 | |
8445.90.30 | 2,0 | |
8445.90.90 | 2,0 | |
8446.10.90 | 2,0 | |
8446.21.00 | 2,0 | |
8446.29.00 | 2,0 | |
8446.30.90 | 2,0 | |
8447.12.00 | 2,0 | |
8447.20.29 | 2,0 | |
8447.20.30 | 2,0 | |
8447.90.90 | 2,0 | |
8448.11.10 | 2,0 | |
8448.11.90 | 2,0 | |
8448.19.00 | 2,0 | |
8448.20.20 | 2,0 | |
8448.31.00 | 2,0 | |
8448.32.11 | 2,0 | |
8448.32.19 | 2,0 | |
8448.32.30 | 2,0 | |
8448.32.90 | 2,0 | |
8448.33.10 | 2,0 | |
8448.33.90 | 2,0 | |
8448.39.11 | 2,0 | |
8448.39.17 | 2,0 | |
8448.39.19 | 2,0 | |
8448.39.23 | 2,0 | |
8448.39.29 | 2,0 | |
8448.39.91 | (47) | 2,0 |
8448.39.99 | 2,0 | |
8448.42.00 | 2,0 | |
8448.49.10 | 2,0 | |
8448.49.90 | 2,0 | |
8448.59.10 | 2,0 | |
8448.59.29 | 2,0 | |
8448.59.40 | 2,0 | |
8448.59.90 | 2,0 | |
8449.00.10 | 2,0 | |
8449.00.80 | 2,0 | |
8449.00.99 | 2,0 | |
8451.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8451.29.90 | 2,0 | |
8451.40.21 | 2,0 | |
8451.40.29 | 2,0 | |
8451.40.90 | 2,0 | |
8451.50.90 | 2,0 | |
8451.80.00 | 2,0 | |
8452.29.10 | 2,0 | |
8452.29.24 | 2,0 | |
8452.29.25 | 2,0 | |
8452.29.90 | 2,0 | |
8452.30.00 | 2,0 | |
8452.90.91 | 2,0 | |
8453.10.10 | 2,0 | |
8453.10.90 | 2,0 | |
8453.20.00 | 2,0 | |
8453.80.00 | 2,0 | |
8454.20.10 | 2,0 | |
8454.30.10 | 2,0 | |
8454.30.90 | 2,0 | |
8455.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8455.21.10 | 2,0 | |
8455.21.90 | 2,0 | |
8455.22.10 | 2,0 | |
8456.30.19 | 2,0 | |
8456.30.90 | 2,0 | |
8457.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8458.11.99 | 2,0 | |
8459.70.00 | 2,0 | |
8460.31.00 | 2,0 | |
8461.20.10 | 2,0 | |
8461.30.10 | 2,0 | |
8461.40.91 | 2,0 | |
8461.40.99 | 2,0 | |
8462.21.00 | (48) | 2,0 |
8463.10.90 | 2,0 | |
8463.20.10 | 2,0 | |
8463.20.99 | 2,0 | |
8463.30.00 | 2,0 | |
8463.90.10 | 2,0 | |
8464.90.19 | 2,0 | |
8465.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8465.92.11 | (49) | 2,0 |
8465.92.19 | (50) | 2,0 |
8465.92.90 | (49) | 2,0 |
8465.95.12 | 2,0 | |
8465.95.91 | 2,0 | |
8465.95.92 | 2,0 | |
8465.96.00 | 2,0 | |
8465.99.00 | (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) | 2,0 |
8466.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8466.20.90 | 2,0 | |
8466.30.00 | 2,0 | |
8466.93.19 | 2,0 | |
8467.11.10 | 2,0 | |
8467.11.90 | 2,0 | |
8467.19.00 | 2,0 | |
8467.29.93 | 2,0 | |
8467.81.00 | 2,0 | |
8467.91.00 | 2,0 | |
8472.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8472.90.30 | 2,0 | |
8472.90.99 | 2,0 | |
8474.32.00 | (56) | 2,0 |
8474.80.10 | 2,0 | |
8475.21.00 | 2,0 | |
8475.29.10 | 2,0 | |
8475.29.90 | 2,0 | |
8476.21.00 | 2,0 | |
8476.81.00 | 2,0 | |
8476.89.90 | 2,0 | |
8476.90.00 | 2,0 | |
8477.10.11 | 2,0 | |
8477.10.19 | 2,0 | |
8477.10.21 | 2,0 | |
8477.10.29 | 2,0 | |
8477.10.91 | 2,0 | |
8477.10.99 | 2,0 | |
8477.20.10 | (57) | 2,0 |
8477.20.90 | (58) (59) (60) | 2,0 |
8477.30.10 | 2,0 | |
8477.30.90 | 2,0 | |
8477.40.90 | 2,0 | |
8477.51.00 | (61) | 2,0 |
8477.59.11 | 2,0 | |
8477.59.19 | 2,0 | |
8477.59.90 | (62) (63) | 2,0 |
8477.80.90 | (64) (65) (66) | 2,0 |
8478.10.10 | 2,0 | |
8478.90.00 | 2,0 | |
8479.40.00 | (67) | 2,0 |
8479.50.00 | 2,0 | |
8479.81.90 | 2,0 | |
8479.82.10 | (68) | 2,0 |
8479.89.92 | 2,0 | |
8479.89.99 | (69) (70) | 2,0 |
8480.79.00 | (71) | 2,0 |
8483.40.10 | (72) | 2,0 |
8486.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8486.20.00 | 2,0 | |
8486.30.00 | 2,0 | |
8486.40.00 | 2,0 | |
8486.90.00 | 2,0 | |
8501.52.90 | 2,0 | |
8504.40.90 | 2,0 | |
8510.90.20 | 2,0 | |
8514.90.00 | 2,0 | |
8515.29.00 | 2,0 | |
8543.20.00 | 2,0 | |
8543.30.00 | 2,0 | |
8601.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8601.20.00 | 2,0 | |
8602.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8603.10.00 | 2,0 | |
8603.90.00 | 2,0 | |
8607.11.10 | 2,0 | |
8607.12.00 | 2,0 | |
8701.30.00 | 2,0 | |
8709.11.00 | 2,0 | |
9005.80.00 | 2,0 | |
9005.90.90 | 2,0 | |
9006.30.00 | 2,0 | |
9007.10.00 | 2,0 | |
9007.20.90 | 2,0 | |
9007.91.00 | 2,0 | |
9007.92.00 | 2,0 | |
9010.10.90 | 2,0 | |
9010.90.10 | 2,0 | |
9011.80.90 | 2,0 | |
9012.10.90 | 2,0 | |
9012.90.90 | 2,0 | |
9013.10.90 | 2,0 | |
9013.20.00 | 2,0 | |
9013.90.00 | 2,0 | |
9014.10.00 | 2,0 | |
9014.80.10 | 2,0 | |
9014.80.90 | 2,0 | |
9014.90.00 | 2,0 | |
9015.10.00 | 2,0 | |
9015.20.10 | 2,0 | |
9015.20.90 | 2,0 | |
9015.30.00 | (73) | 2,0 |
9015.90.90 | 2,0 | |
9016.00.10 | 2,0 | |
9016.00.90 | 2,0 | |
9018.14.90 | 2,0 | |
9018.19.90 | 2,0 | |
9018.20.90 | 2,0 | |
9018.50.90 | 2,0 | |
9018.90.40 | 2,0 | |
9019.20.20 | 2,0 | |
9022.29.90 | 2,0 | |
9022.90.12 | 2,0 | |
9024.10.10 | 2,0 | |
9024.80.19 | 2,0 | |
9024.90.00 | 2,0 | |
9027.10.00 | 2,0 | |
9027.20.29 | 2,0 | |
9027.30.19 | 2,0 | |
9027.30.20 | 2,0 | |
9027.50.10 | 2,0 | |
9027.50.20 | 2,0 | |
9027.50.30 | 2,0 | |
9027.50.90 | 2,0 | |
9027.80.12 | 2,0 | |
9027.80.20 | 2,0 | |
9027.80.99 | 2,0 | |
9030.10.10 | 2,0 | |
9030.10.90 | 2,0 | |
9030.31.00 | 2,0 | |
9030.32.00 | 2,0 | |
9030.39.90 | 2,0 | |
9030.84.90 | 2,0 | |
9030.90.10 | 2,0 | |
9031.10.00 | (74) | 2,0 |
9031.41.00 | 2,0 | |
9031.49.90 | 2,0 | |
9031.80.12 | 2,0 | |
9031.80.20 | 2,0 | |
9031.80.99 | (75) | 2,0 |
9031.90.10 | 2,0 | |
9031.90.90 | 2,0 |
(1) Central heating boilers, fed only by wood pellets.
(2) Excluding other motors up to 270 HP, according to DIN 6271 Standard or equivalent, except those with vertical axis.
(3) Gas compressor body with its corresponding cylinders for gas compressor units, without motor, without aerocooler, heat exchanger, without containers for compressed gas in cast iron or steel, without frame, without control panels, without connection pipes.
(4) Compressors with a flow rate greater than 200 m3 / h.
(5) Compressor refrigeration units, with screw compressor, condenser and evaporator, with a capacity of more than 500,000 refrigerations / hour, of the types used for liquid cooling (chiller) in air conditioning installations.
(6) Medium wavelength infrared radiator tunnels suitable for drying wood trim and profiles.
(7) For paper or cardboard, by steam heated cylinders.
(8) Rubber sheet cooling apparatus, width less than or equal to 1,000 mm, consisting of a belt conveyor, air blowers and a control and command panel.
(9) Cooling device for rubber profiles, consisting of a variable speed belt conveyor, water sprinklers, fans for the extraction of remaining water and a control and command panel.
(10) Rubber profile cooling apparatus, consisting of a trough with a submerged variable speed belt conveyor, fans for the removal of remaining water and a control and command panel.
(11) Rubber sheet cooling tunnel with conveyor, sheet tension control devices, fans, intake, threading and splicing mechanisms and control and command panel.
(12) Cooling apparatus consisting of cylinders cooled by water circulation, with variable speed from 0 to 60 m / min with a tolerance of less than or equal to 0.5%.
(13) Combination of machines for calendering rubber fabrics reinforced with metal mesh or textile cords, consisting of 4-roller calender with a diameter of less than or equal to 750 mm and useful working width of less than or equal to 1,800 mm, preheating mills and rubber feeders, unglazed textile fabric splicer uncoiler, accumulators, traction device, feed creel, apparatus for automatic control of gumming thickness, cooling apparatus, automatic cross-cut device and rubberized fabric splice, end winder and board control and command.
(14) Rolling mills for rubber, with cylinders with a diameter of less than or equal to 750 mm and a useful working width of less than or equal to 1,800 mm, cooled by means of water circulation and with a control and command panel.
(15) Centrifuges for the separation of eggshells, with continuous discharge of solids.
(16) Centrifuge with continuous or discontinuous discharge of solids during running.
(17) Filters for leukoreduction of blood.
(18) Maples or boxes filler with eggs.
(19) Apparatus for spraying herbicides for the elimination of weeds, based on the optical detection of active chlorophyll, consisting of: user console; control apparatus and power supply; sensors; electrical conductors provided with connecting pieces; compressor; Diaphragm valve for pressure regulation and sensor blocks and spray devices, designed to be mounted on spray bars.
(20) Electrostatic devices for painting.
(21) With a lifting capacity greater than or equal to 40 t.
(22) Manipulator - reel of hermetic layers for tires, with control panel and command.
(23) Manipulator - reel of rubber profiles with device to control tension, speed and diameter of roll and control and command board.
(24) Manipulator of rubber strips for placement on the assembly drum, with control panel and command.
(25) Manipulator to place cut rubber profiles on trolleys in dimensions appropriate for the manufacture of tires, with transverse tape device, roll positioner on trolleys, opening sequence of trays for loading trolleys, controller of the sequence of placement of wheels and control and command board.
(26) Manipulator for loading / unloading tires or strips, profiles or sheets for its preparation, with its control and command panel.
(27) Longitudinal folding machine on pallets, made of continuous rubber sheets with a width of less than or equal to 1,000 mm.
(28) Self-propelled.
(29) Only scythes (mowers) with conditioning device.
(30) Bale making machine (baler) with a volume greater than or equal to 0.5 m3. (31) Sugar cane harvesters.
(32) Grape harvesters, whether or not self-propelled.
(33) Tree shakers, whether or not self-propelled, of a kind used for harvesting nuts or olives.
(34) Peanut harvesters, self-propelled.
(35) Tomato harvesters.
(36) Self-propelled forage harvesters (forage harvesters) with power at the wheel greater than or equal to 300 kW (400 HP).
(37) Track mechanisms, with rubber band, of a kind used for traction in combines.
(38) Automatic milking machines (volunteer milkers) with robotic arm, electronic devices, pumps, washing machine and milk meters.
(39) Automatic rearing or laying batteries, made up of juxtaposed cells, equipped with automatic devices, among others, to fill feeders and collect eggs.
(40) Machine for cutting trees, removing branches and sectioning trunks, suitable to be mounted on tractor units.
(41) Equipped with tires / tracks.
(42) Self-propelled machine on tires with felling head - whole tree stacker.
(43) Single or double pass cylinder mills.
(44) Machines for slaughtering, plucking or gutting birds.
(45) Power box.
(46) Sheet, paper and cardboard cutter prepared in reels.
(47) Accessories.
(48) Automatic folding machine, above and below, panels, with manipulator arm for rotation and displacement, in the horizontal plane, of the panel and capacity to work dimensions not exceeding 1,600 mm wide and 2,500 mm long with a metal thickness greater than or equal to 0.4 mm but less than or equal to 4 mm.
(49) Only milling machines (die cutters), including numerical control.
(50) Brushing or molding machines.
(51) Guillotines for wood.
(52) Veneer jointing machines.
(53) Automatic edge gluers.
(54) Automatic / straight edge gluers. (55) Wood lathes.
(56) Equipment for the production of asphalt, with a capacity greater than 120t / h, fixed or mobile.
(57) Flat co-extrusion line with a capacity of 1,000 kg / h of polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene terephthalate glycol and polypropylene, even with silicone applicator, in-line lamination system for barrier films.
(58) Combination of machines for the extrusion of rubber profiles, consisting of: an extruder with a screw diameter of less than or equal to 250 mm, with a feeding device and automatic rubber dispenser, two-cylinder calender, roller cooler and belt, manipulator, control and command board.
(59) Combination of machines for extrusion of reinforcement profiles, consisting of: extruder, machines for applying reinforcement profiles to bead rings and control and command panel.
(60) Extruders for working rubber, with a screw diameter greater than or equal to 90 mm; even with feeding device, automatic rubber dispenser, head with metal mesh filter, control panel and command.
(61) Machine for molding tires with indirect steam heating, mold opening / closing device, bladders for internal tire pressurization and control and command panel.
(62) Combination of machines for the formation of tire beads, consisting of: rubber extruder used to coat wires, bead forming machine with hexagonal or rectangular geometry, wire feeder and control and command panel.
(63) Combination of machines designed to form tire carcasses, consisting of: rolling feeders, belts, sides and hermetic layer, sheets and beads, transfer and assembly devices, tire extractor and control and command panel.
(64) Combination of machines for cutting rubber mesh reinforced with metal mesh or textile cords, for sheets, consisting of: unwinder, guillotine-type cutter (90o cut), automatic splicer, conveyor, winder and control panel and I send.
(65) Transverse cutter for rubber profiles in predetermined lengths between 900 mm and 4,000 mm, with cutter profile separator, continuous weighing scales on conveyor, winder device and control and command panel.
(66) Machines for cutting continuous rubber profiles with a width less than or equal to 500 mm, cutting tolerance less than +/- 2 mm, with variable speed conveyor, knife carriage for bevel cutting with synchronized advance to the conveyor and control and command.
(67) Stranders.
(68) Mixer of rubber compounds reinforced with carbon black and silica, with a container with a capacity greater than 270 I, with temperature control by peripheral circulation of coolant fluid and drive motors with a power greater than or equal to 1,500 kW and a control panel. control and command.
(69) Machines for generating and blowing artificial snow (cannons).
(70) Systems for the production of artificial snow (snowing), of the type used on ski slopes.
(71) For vulcanizing tires of a kind used in passenger cars, buses or trucks.
(72) Double reduction speed reducers with double helical-herringbone gears, with a torque greater than or equal to 4 kNm but less than or equal to 206 kNm.
(73) Optical level, using a rotating laser beam, with one or more remote detectors.
(74) Machines for measuring tire imbalance, including in combination with automatic feeding devices and control and command panel.
(75) Device designed to control the entry of people to ski centers by detecting (reading) access cards and validating biometric data, equipped with a pinwheel.