March 25, 2020


We inform you that on 03-18-2020, in "SC-Request for Contact", the process that allows requesting the period of extension of validity of an LNA has been enabled.

There are still no details on how it works; whether the grant will be automatic, whether a response from the Enforcement Authority should be expected, or how it will be announced that this request for an extension has been accepted, among other questions that arise.

We remind you that the SIMI expire at 180 days. of the last authorization, see the Third-Party Intervention screen.

Automatic licenses expire after 90 days. of the approval (see date BI15).

Non-automatic licenses expire 90 days after approval (see date BI34).

Extensions of any of the two licenses must be made 15 days before their expiration, with founded reasons which should be sent to the executive to attach it to the request.

We understand that by not clarifying whether they are straight or skillful we must consider that they are skillful.

Extensions are requested through SC CONTACT REQUEST.

After the entry into force of SIECyGCE Resolution No. 1/2020, the Secretariat published on the microsite Version 3 of the “SIMI User Manual and List of Frequently Asked Questions, Expansion of Information on Non-Automatic Licenses” and reported that both Automatic (LA) and Non-Automatic Import (LNA) Licenses could be extended at the request of the interested party, with at least 15 days before expiration and for reasonable reasons. - as established in the resolution.

Likewise, the Agency clarified that it would publish an instruction sheet with the procedure to request the extension and, although it has not yet done so, today (03/18/2020), the procedure "Application for Extension of Import Licenses" is already available and operating within the interactive service "SC-Contact Request".

It should be noted that the procedure is very simple since the system itself guides the interested party to make the request.

The first step that must be carried out is to enter the AFIP website with CUIT and Tax Code of the interested party and select from the list of available interactive services the one called “SC-Contact Request”.