Decree 317 / 2020- APN-PTE
City of Buenos Aires, 03/28/2020
SEEN File No. EX-2020-18324351-APN-DGD#MPYT, Laws Nros. 22,415 (Customs Code) and its amendments and 27,541 and Decree No. 260 dated March 12, 2020 and its amendment, and
That by means of the Law of Social Solidarity and Productive Reactivation in the Framework of the Public Emergency N ° 27,541 the public emergency was declared in economic, financial, fiscal, administrative, social security, tariff, energy, health and social matters.
That in turn, by article 1 of Decree No. 260/20, it was decided to extend the public emergency in health matters established by the aforementioned law, by virtue of the pandemic declared by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO), in relation with the Coronavirus COVID-19 for a period of ONE (1) year, from its entry into force.
That, given the health emergency situation that is taking place in our country and in order not to affect the health care of the population, as a consequence of the outbreak of the new Coronavirus COVID-19, it is necessary to adopt new and immediate measures to add to the already adopted since the beginning of this situation, guaranteeing the population access to certain critical supplies, in order to mitigate their spread and health impact.
That the competent legal services have intervened.
That this measure is issued in use of the powers conferred by Article 99, paragraph 1 of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION.
ARTICLE 1.- Exports of merchandise included in the tariff positions of the MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature (NCM) listed in ANNEX (IF-2020-19142831-APN-SSPYGC#MDP), which is an integral part of this measure, must process an export permit to be issued by the MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT, with the necessary intervention of the MINISTRY OF HEALTH.
ARTICLE 2 .- This measure does not cover exports destined for the Special Customs Area, created by Law No. 19,640, or the General Customs Territory under the terms of point 2 of article 593 of Law No. 22,415 ( Customs Code) and its amendments, the provisions set forth in article 624 thereof being applicable.
ARTICLE 3º.- The MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT is empowered to dictate the complementary and explanatory norms that are necessary for the purposes of implementing this measure, and must establish the criteria to propitiate the authorizations mentioned in article 1 of the present, whose issuance will be subject to to the total coverage of the local supply needs of the goods involved.
ARTICLE 4º.- This measure will take effect from the day of its publication in the OFFICIAL BULLETIN and will remain in effect as long as the public emergency in health matters declared by Law No. 27,541, extended by Decree No. 260/20, lasts. .
ARTICLE 5º.- Communicate, publish, give yourself to the NATIONAL ADDRESS OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY and file. FERNÁNDEZ - Santiago Andrés Cafiero - Matías Sebastián Kulfas
NOTE: The Annex (s) that make up this Decree are published in the web edition of BORA
and. 03/28/2020 N ° 16143/20 v. 03/28/2020
NCM | Description |
2207.10.10 | Ethyl alcohol, undenatured, in an alcoholic strength volumetric greater than 80% vol, with a concentrate of water less than or equal to 1% vol. |
2207.10.90 | Ethyl alcohol, undenatured, in an alcoholic strength volumetric greater than 80% vol, with a concentrate of water greater than 1% vol. |
2905.12.10 | Propyl alcohol. |
2905.12.20 | Isopropyl alcohol. |
3004.90.45 | Paracetamol. |
3808.94.29 | Surface disinfectant detergent for medical equipment and floors; Gel alcohol. |
4015.11.00 | Gloves for surgery. |
4015.19.00 | Disposable gloves, of the type used in care Of the health. |
6210.10.00 | Protective clothing, of the type used in surgery and medicine, non-woven fabric. |
6307.90.10 | Non-woven fabric face masks, of the type used by surgeons in operations. |
8421.39.30 | Oxygen concentrators for air purification. |
9018.90.99 | Laryngoscope. |
9027.10.00 | Carbon dioxide detector (Capnographs) |
9018.12.10 | Diagnostic devices by ultrasonic exploration. |
9018.12.90 | Diagnostic devices by ultrasonic exploration. |
9018.12.10 | Scanning apparatus transducers (probes) ultrasonic. |
9018.12.90 | Scanning apparatus transducers (probes) ultrasonic. |
9018.39.29 | Nasal cannulas for oxygen therapy. |
9018.39.99 | Endotracheal tube. |
9018.90.99 | Infusion pump. |
9018.90.10 | Intravenous infusion devices. |
9018.39.29 | Guedel cannula. |
9018.19.80 | Electrodiagnostic devices (multi-parameter monitor). |
9019.20.10 | Oxygen therapy devices, their parts and accessories. |
9019.20.10 | Portable respirator. |
3923.30.00 | Preforms suitable for the manufacture of bottles by blowing. |
2827.49.21 | Aluminum hydroxychloride. |
3002.15.10 | Interferon. |
3002.15.90 | Interferon. |