Replace Article 2 of General Resolution No. 1,778, as amended and supplementary.
General Resolution 4577/2019
City of Buenos Aires, 09/10/2019
HAVING SEEN General Resolution No. 1,778, its amendments and supplements, and
That the aforementioned norm establishes the use of the electronic payment flyer (VEP) for the cancellation of tax obligations, of social security and customs resources.
That it is the permanent objective of this Federal Administration to guide the processes and computer tools to facilitate the tax-taxpayer relationship, providing better services that simplify compliance with tax obligations.
That in this sense it is appropriate to adapt the general resolution of the VISTO, in order to implement new modalities for the generation of the aforementioned electronic payment flyer (VEP).
That they have taken the intervention that is the responsibility of the Legislation Directorate and the General Sub-directorates of Legal Affairs, Collection, Taxpayer Services and Systems and Telecommunications, and the General Tax Directorate.
That this is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 7 of Decree No. 618 of July 10, 1997, its amendments and supplements.
ARTICLE 1 .- Article 2 of General Resolution No. 1,778, as amended and supplementary, is replaced by the one indicated below:
"ARTICLE 2 .- To cancel obligations by electronic funds transfer, you must:
1. Enter the service "Presentation of DDJJ and Payments" that is available on the website of this Agency (, by using the Tax Code with Security Level 2 as a minimum, obtained in accordance with the provisions of General Resolution No. 3,713, its amendments and supplements, or through the website of the providers approved by this Administration Federal.
2. Generate the electronic payment flyer (VEP) for any of the following options:
2.1. "New VEP": in this option the obligations to be canceled must be specified, for which the data relating to the Unique Tax Identification Key (CUIT) or Unique Labor Identification Key (CUIL), period, tax, concept, sub-concept and amount, and when applicable, other identifying data of the payment.
2.2. “VEP from Debt”: in this option the system will display the detail of the different obligations owed for each of the fiscal periods and for this, the Unique Tax Identification Key (CUIT) or Unique Labor Identification Key (CUIL) must be selected. with which you want to operate.
2.3. "VEP from Maturities": in this option the system will report the details of the different obligations that are about to expire. For this purpose, the Unique Tax Identification Key (CUIT) or Unique Labor Identification Key (CUIL) with which you wish to operate must be indicated.
2.4. "VEP from File": in this option, the file to be used must be selected, made according to the registry design, validations and other conditions published on the "Forms of Payment" microsite on the institutional "website".
In all cases, the electronic payment flyer (VEP) generated will be identified with a unique number and must be paid in full in a single payment even if it contains more than one obligation.
3. Choose the payment entity that will be used to cancel the generated electronic payment flyer (VEP).
4. Access the website of the chosen payment institution or the authorized bank and make the payment of the electronic payment flyer (VEP) generated.
Notwithstanding the option used to generate the electronic payment flyer (VEP), in order to incorporate new tax obligations to be canceled, you can select "Add another VEP", having to perform the steps described in the previous points, as appropriate.
The system will generate a “Consolidated VEP” or “Multiple VEP”, according to the case, which will contain associated obligations included.
Taxpayers and / or persons responsible must have a bank account in pesos from which the payment by debit to the account will be authorized.
For specially authorized “Taxes-Concepts”, cancellation may also be made with credit, debit cards or any other electronic means of payment accepted by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic and authorized by this Federal Administration.
Likewise, the electronic payment flyer (VEP) may be generated automatically from other services with a Tax Code in which said option is available, and must then complete the provisions of points 3 and 4 above. ”
ARTICLE 2 .- The provisions established herein will come into effect from the day of its publication in the Official Gazette.
ARTICLE 3 .- Communicate, publish, give yourself to the National Directorate of the Official Registry and file. Leandro Germán Cuccioli.
and. 09/11/2019 N ° 68171/19 v. 09/11/2019
Publication date 09/11/2019