The Ministry of Productive Development sent the information attached to this “Instructive Presentation of Comex 2020 Projections”.
It is related to Res. 1/2020 that went into effect on 01/10/2020
The aforementioned Resolution adapts the rules on the request and approval of the SIMI and LNA, if applicable.
All importers are requested to send the requested information (see that projections are requested for 2020, 2021 and 2022).
The information is uploaded by accessing the SC Request for Contact through the AFiP website.
It is very likely that companies will have to request a hearing to deal with the issue of SIMI's request for the current year, but the hearing request will not prosper if the COMEX 2020 PROJECTION is not presented before.
It is presented only once per company or business group.
What is still not entirely clear is that according to Res. 1/2020 it would no longer be appropriate to present the annexes for Non-Automatic Licenses through the SC Contact Request, but in the attached report it is indicated that “the presentation of the Comex Projection 2020 does not replace the presentation of the annexes corresponding to imports with LNA, which must be presented as previously done"
In addition to the instructions, we share the iProfessional note with more details regarding the aforementioned.