July 13, 2015


 En 2016 no se necesitarán más DJAIs para importar

For foreign trade, the end of the DJAIs has been the most important event since January 10, 2012, when Resolution 3252 of AFIP was published in the Official Gazette, incorporating into "administered foreign trade" the sworn declarations of import.
Argentina and the European Union signed a joint declaration, by which they agreed that the reasonable period for Argentina to apply the recommendations and resolutions that emerged from the World Trade Organization panel will expire on December 31. "What has been questioned is that DJAIs are a valid procedure. The next government will be responsible for implementing these modifications, ”warns Diego Pérez Santisteban, president of the Chamber of Importers.
Given this, the Secretary of Commerce, Augusto Costa, met with the 'sensitive' sectors that compete with imports to evaluate alternative forms of para-tariff protection through technical standards acceptable to the WTO.
“Since 2016, other types of instruments that the WTO allows to regulate trade could be implemented: antidumpings, safeguards, non-automatic licenses. And it could also implement non-tariff restrictions, such as quality standards, technical requirements or standards for imports, "exemplifies Marcelo Elizondo, from the DNI consultancy.
For Miguel Ponce, former undersecretary of Industry and Commerce and director of the Center of Studies for Foreign Trade of the XXI Century, "the doubts are focused on whether we will return to the list of 600 tariff positions that existed at the time of being repealed by CFK, or to the 400 prior to the appointment of Guillermo Moreno as Secretary. Or a new list to be negotiated with the business associations, particularly those that bring together the so-called sensitive sectors ”.