April 3, 2020

Health emergency - Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Activities and services declared essential in the emergency - Extension

Dec.Adm. 450/20

04/02/2020 (BO 04/03/2020)

HAVING SEEN File No. EX-2020-19133603-APN-DGDYD#JGM, Law 27,541, Dec. 260/20 of March 12, 2020, Dec.287 / 20 of March 17, 2020, Dec.297 / 20 of March 19, 2020, Dec. 325/20 of March 31, 2020, Dec. Adm. 429/20 of March 20, 2020, and


That by Dec. 260/20 the public health emergency established by Law 27,541 was extended for a period of ONE (1) year, due to the pandemic declared by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) in relationship with Coronavirus COVID-19.

That through Dec.297 / 20 a preventive and mandatory social isolation measure was established, from March 20 to March 31, 2020, in order to protect public health.

That Article 6 of the aforementioned Dec.297 / 20 exempted compliance with "social, preventive and compulsory isolation" and the prohibition on the movement of persons affected by activities and services declared essential in the emergency; establishing that the movements of authorized persons must be limited to strict compliance with said activities and services.

That through Dec.Adm.429 / 20 other activities and services declared essential in the emergency were included in the list, which were also exempt from compliance with "isolation, social, preventive and mandatory".

That Dec.325 / 20 extended the validity of the social, preventive and mandatory measure of isolation until April 12, 2020 inclusive.

That the reality of the implementation of “social, preventive and compulsory isolation” has demonstrated the need to incorporate other activities and services that are essential in order to mitigate the effects caused by the measures adopted.

That this situation has been foreseen, establishing that the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, in his capacity as coordinator of the "General Coordination Unit of the Comprehensive Plan for the Prevention of Public Health Events of International Importance", may extend or reduce the exceptions arranged, depending on the dynamics of the epidemiological situation and the effectiveness observed in compliance with Dec. 297/20.

That the health authority has taken the intervention of its competence, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations.

That the pertinent legal service has taken the intervention of its competence.

That this measure is issued in use of the powers conferred by article 100, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION and by article 6 of Dec. 297/20.




ARTICLE 1 .- Expand the list of activities and services declared essential in the emergency, in the terms provided in Dec. 299/20, as established below:

1. Sale of supplies and construction materials provided by corralones.

2. Activities related to the production, distribution and commercialization of forestry and mining.

3. Tanneries, sawmills and wood products factories, mattress factories and road and agricultural machinery factories.

4. Activities related to foreign trade: exports of ready-made products and essential imports for the operation of the economy.

5. Exploration, prospecting, production, transformation and commercialization of nuclear fuel.

6. Essential maintenance and fumigation services.

7. Mutual and credit cooperatives, through minimum attention guards, for the sole purpose of guaranteeing the operation of the credit and / or payment system.

8. Registration, identification and documentation of people.

It should be clarified that the provisions of subsection 14 of article 6 of Dec.297 / 20 include the maintenance activities of servers and that the provisions of article 6 subsection 7 of the aforementioned standard include persons affected by activities intended to the provision of necessary supplies for the performance of funeral services, burials and cremations.

The displacements of the people reached by the present article should be limited to the strict fulfillment of the activities and services considered essential.

In all these cases, employers must guarantee the hygiene and safety conditions established by the MINISTRY OF HEALTH to preserve the health of workers.

ARTICLE 2 .- The persons reached by this Administrative Decision must process the Unique Enabling Certificate for Circulation - Covid-19.

ARTICLE 3 °. - This rule will come into effect from the day of its publication in the OFFICIAL BULLETIN.

ARTICLE 4 .- Communicate, publish, give yourself to the NATIONAL ADDRESS OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY and file.

Santiago Andrés Cafiero - Ginés Mario González García