Buenos Aires, March 26 (Special for NA, by Laura Maly *) The National Service of Agrifood Health and Quality (Senasa), together with the General Directorate of Customs of the AFIP, implemented the link of the Integrated Packaging Management System with the Malvina Computer System, in order to simplify and speed up the procedures for producers.
Wooden packages can be vehicles for pests and plant diseases that affect the national forest resource, so their entry into each country must comply with the international phytosanitary standards established for world trade.
In Argentina, this control is carried out by Senasa through a risk analysis and physical inspection of imported wood packaging.
Previously, the foreign trade agent must request authorization to enter the country of packaging, a process that is carried out in a self-managed manner.
In order to streamline this operation, Senasa developed the Integrated Wood Packaging Management System, linked to the Malvina Information System (SIM) of the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) in force since February 10, 2016, which contemplates the electronic issuance of the packaging entry authorization.
In this way, said authorization is reported directly to the SIM, a system that in turn validates the declared information, simplifying the management for the entry into the country of all merchandise packaged in packaging of this type.
In February alone, close to 27 thousand sworn statements were processed through the system, of which the 90% was correctly informed to the Malvina System.
It is a great advance in the joint actions that are the responsibility of Senasa and AFIP, in the international trade processes in which Argentina participates and greater security to prevent the entry of pests in our country in order to strengthen the health of the national agri-food production that seeks to expand its export markets.
Senasa Resolution No. 614/15, whose regulations abrogates, unifies and updates Senasa resolutions No. 19/02 and former SAGPyA No. 685/05 allows the implementation of this computer system for the management of the Affidavit (DJ) Wood Packaging, Support Wood and Accommodation that condition imported merchandise.
It allows the external user to request authorization to enter the country of packaging in a totally self-managed manner, until the moment of inspection by the Agency.
It should be clarified that, since 2002, the National Service evaluates the entry of imported wood packaging through a risk analysis and physical inspection actions, due to the phytosanitary risk that these materials of plant origin represent for the forest resource national.
On the other hand, through the implementation of the aforementioned Resolution, the Agency continues with the internalization of the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) No. 15 that regulates the wooden packaging used in international trade.
The inspection of compliance with ISPM 15 consists of the inspection of the wooden packages entered into the country according to international regulations.
By virtue of it, the Senasa is empowered to verify that the wooden packaging and the woods of accommodation and support, whatever the commercial means of transport, are free of bark and insects, are declared by the foreign trade agent before the Service and before the General Directorate of Customs and before the detection of bark and / or pests carry out the corresponding phytosanitary treatment. LM / MAF / AMR (*) Member of the National Plant Protection Directorate.