July 8, 2020

Energy Efficiency - Temporary Suspension-Extension

Business Loyalty - Electrical Security - Extension

08/07/2020 The Resolution No. 119 dated April 21, 2020 of the SECRETARIAT FOR INTERNAL TRADE of the MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT, shall be in force until August 15, 2020, inclusive.
Resolution 207/2020RESOL-2020-207-APN-SCI#MDPCity of Buenos Aires, 07/07/2020
HAVING SEEN File No. EX-2020-41736465-APN-DGD#MPYT, Laws Nos. 24,240 and 27,541, Decrees Nos. 274 dated April 17, 2019, 50 dated December 19, 2019 and its amendments, 260 dated March 12, 2020 and its amendment, 297 dated March 19, 2020 and its amendments, and 576 dated 29 of June 2020 and Resolution No. 119 dated April 21, 2020 of the SECRETARIAT FOR INTERNAL TRADE of the MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT, and
That through Decree No. 50 dated December 19, 2019 and its amendments, the Centralized National Public Administration Application Organization Chart was approved up to the Undersecretary level, the responsibilities that are their own and their competences.
That Article 5 of Law No. 24,240 establishes that things and services must be supplied or provided in such a way that, used in foreseeable or normal conditions of use, they do not present any danger to the health or physical integrity of consumers or users.
That by Decree No. 274 dated April 17, 2019, the SECRETARIAT OF INTERNAL COMMERCE of the former MINISTRY OF PRODUCTION AND LABOR was empowered to establish the minimum security requirements that the goods must meet. or services and determine the place, form and characteristics of the indications to place on the goods that are marketed in the country or on their packaging.
That Law No. 27,541 declared a public emergency in economic, financial, fiscal, administrative, pension, tariff, energy, health and social matters.
That, in turn, by Article 1 of Decree No. 260 dated March 12, 2020 and its amendment, it was decided to extend the public emergency in health matters established by Law No. 27,541, by virtue of the pandemic declared by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) in relation to the Coronavirus COVID-19, for a period of ONE (1) year, from its entry into force.
That, in order to protect public health, which constitutes an inalienable obligation of the NATIONAL STATE, Decree No. 297 dated March 19, 2020 and its amendments, was issued, which was established for all people living in the country or are in it temporarily, the measure of "social isolation, preventive and mandatory."
That the aforementioned decrees have been issued with the aim of containing and mitigating the spread of the Coronavirus epidemic COVID-19 and with its application it is intended to protect public health, adopting in this regard measures proportionate to the threat it faces, in reasonable and temporary. The restriction on ambulatory freedom tends to preserve public order, as the protected legal asset is the collective right to public health.
That, in effect, it is not just about the health of each one of the people forced to comply with the isolation measure ordered, but of each and every inhabitant as a whole, since public health, due to the contagion characteristics of Coronavirus COVID-19, depends on each and every one of us complying with its isolation, as the most effective way to take care of ourselves as a society.
That in this context, the SECRETARIAT FOR POLICIES FOR THE INTERNAL MARKET, dependent on the SECRETARIAT FOR INTERNAL COMMERCE of the MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT, has learned that the Technical Certification Bodies have been unable to carry out the stipulated monitoring procedures for each of the household electrical appliances for which they were recognized.
That, for this reason, Resolution No. 119 dated April 21, 2020 of the SECRETARIAT OF INTERNAL COMMERCE of the MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT was issued, in order to suspend the surveillance processes regarding those certificates with expiration dates. March 20 and May 31, 2020, inclusive.
That, also, it was defined that the obligation that arises from the surveillance systems of the standards mentioned in Article 1 of the aforementioned resolution, will extend until June 15, 2020, a period that may be extended, in case of necessity or while the measure of "social, preventive and compulsory isolation" subsists.
That the “social, preventive and compulsory isolation” measure established by Decree No. 297/20 and its amendments, was again extended by Decree No. 576 dated June 29, 2020, until July 17, 2020, inclusive.
That due to the extension of the aforementioned measure, it is appropriate to extend the suspension of the obligation of the surveillance systems established in Article 3 of Resolution No. 119/20 of the INTERNAL TRADE SECRETARIAT, until August 15, 2020 , inclusive.
That, likewise, it becomes necessary to expand the scope of the aforementioned regulatory body, with respect to all those surveillance certificates issued, whose condition is "regularized" and "in order", and whose expiration would have occurred after the term established by the Resolution Nº 119/20 of the SECRETARIAT OF INTERNAL COMMERCE.
That the measure established by this resolution is temporary, it is necessary, reasonable and proportionate in relation to the challenge facing our Nation.
That the Directorate of Legal Affairs for Trade and Mining, dependent on the General Directorate of Legal Affairs of the MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT, has taken the intervention that corresponds to it.
That this measure is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by Decree Nos. 274/19 and 50/19 and their modifications.
ARTICLE 1 .- The validity of Resolution No. 119 dated April 21, 2020 of the SECRETARIAT FOR INTERNAL TRADE of the MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT, shall be extended until August 15, 2020, inclusive.
ARTICLE 2 .- All the records of surveillance issued for certificates, whose condition is "regularized" and "in order", and whose expiration would have been considered to be achieved by the effects of Resolution No. 119/20 of the INTERNAL TRADE SECRETARIAT occurred after the term established in said measure.
ARTICLE 3.- This resolution will come into effect from the date of its subscription.
ARTICLE 4 .- Communicate, publish, give yourself to the NATIONAL ADDRESS OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY and file. Paula Irene Spanish
and. 07/08/2020 N ° 26837/20 v. 07/08/2020
Publication date 07/08/2020