May 8, 2020

Com A 12006 - Expiration Com A 6401

Com A 12.006 that establishes modifications to the maturities of Com A 6401, for now there is no extension, GROUP A Cuits ended in 0 and 1 expire on 05/15 and then two per business day.

Survey of External Assets and Liabilities
In relation to the presentation of the sworn statement of the Survey of External Assets and Liabilities, it is reported that Communication "B" 12.006 A segmentation of maturities was established, starting from the first quarter of 2020. The maturities of the quarterly presentations, starting from the presentation corresponding to the first quarter of the year 2020, will be distributed in groups with the following scheme.  
Group A - CUIT filers ending in 0 and 1: The maturity of the quarterly statement will operate 45 calendar days after the end of the calendar quarter (or the immediately following business day).  
Group B - CUIT filers ending in 2 and 3: The maturity of the quarterly return will operate on the business day following the maturity of group A.  
Group C - CUIT filers ending in 4 and 5: The maturity of the quarterly declaration will operate on the business day following the maturity of group B.  
Group D - Declarants with CUIT ending in 6 and 7 The maturity of the quarterly declaration will operate on the business day following the maturity of group C.  
Group E - Declarants with CUIT ending in 8 and 9: The maturity of the quarterly declaration will operate on the business day following the maturity of group D.