October 11, 2019

Digital Certificate of Origin for commercial operations between Argentina and Chile

Through General Resolution 4608/2019 - published in the Official Gazette of the date (11/10/2019) - the Federal Administration of Public Income (AFIP) ordered that merchandise exporters destined for the Republic of Chile and importers who enter merchandise originating from that country within the framework of Economic Complementation Agreement No. 35 (ACE 35), whose import operations are registered as of Monday October 14, 2019, may use the Certificate of Digital Origin ( COD) or the Certificate of Origin in paper format.

Next, the most relevant points of the standard and some operational suggestions to take into account are transcribed:

Merchandise exports destined for the Republic of Chile within the framework of Economic Complementation Agreement No. 35

  • The Foreign Trade Operator must contact a CO issuing entity that has developed the COD-System, which allows it to process the certificates of origin through the web, issuing the electronic document.
  • You must purchase an approved device called the "Digital Firm Company" Token.
  • The exporter or his legal representative must process a Digital Identification Certificate (CID) issued by a Certifying Authority, Licensed Certifier authorized by Resolution No. 88/2008, which will be loaded in the "Token"
  • Then, the exporter may request the COD from the authorized entity and, in this way, send it to the Chilean Importer.

Imports of goods originating in the Republic of Chile in the framework of Economic Complementation Agreement No. 35 with Digital Certificate of Origin (COD)

  • It is suggested to view the xml document (COD) sent by the Chilean Exporter through verify that the data is correct. Then, the Certificate of Digital Origin (COD) must be presented through the interactive service "SETI Certificate of Digital Origin".
  • It is recommended that the service "SETI Certificate of Digital Origin" be delegated by the client to the Customs Broker in order to present the electronic document with the CUIT of the Importer Taxpayer. However, in the event that the Customs Service Assistant wishes to present it with his CUIT, he may do so.
  • Once the preceding points have been made, you can register the import destination, affirmatively validating the tariff question “Do you? presented a Certificate of Digital Origin and will use it in this declaration? ” and, in this way, the system will require, on a mandatory basis, the presentation of the “COD-ALADI” document.
  • For more information, visit the microsite "Digital Certificate of Origin (COD)" –– where you can observe the procedural guidelines contained in the "External User Manual", among other data.

Imports of goods originating in the Republic of Chile within the framework of Economic Complementation Agreement No. 35 with Certificate of Origin in paper format

  • The certificate of origin can be used in paper format even if a Digital Certificate of Origin (COD) has been presented, provided that when registering the import destination it has indicated this modality, that is, it has validated negativelythe tariff question "You. presented a Certificate of Digital Origin and will you use it in this declaration? ”.

 Guarantees for the lack of the certificate of origin

 In order to request the release of a guarantee for the lack of the certificate of origin, the foreign trade operator must present the certificate in paper format only. This is so, until the computerized procedure for the release of guarantees is operational by presenting the Certificate of Digital Origin (COD), which will be communicated in the "Certificate of Digital Origin (COD)" microsite.